Google drive upload not working

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Sometimes& you need to do it anyway to get things working once again despite everything being properly set.

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Then change the 'Save Type as' to 'Word 97-2003 Document (.doc)' and save it. Then, if you have Word installed, you can follow the instructions Kona provided: Open the file in Word. I'd appreaciate any help or pointers you can give me. So& if your Google Drive is not uploading or your photos are not uploading to Google Drive& there are things you can do and check to ensure that everything is properly set at your end. If you're looking at the list of files in Google Drive, click the right mouse button and choose Download. Return 'Archivo subido exitosamente: ' + file.getUrl() ĭocument.getElementById('myForm').style.display = 'none' ĭocument.getElementById('output').innerHTML = status Var folder,folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(folder_name) įolder = DriveApp.createFolder(folder_name) Return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('main').setSandboxMode() Can you maybe help me find what should I do? I post the code here: I'm sure I gave the script all the permissions and I already tried to see what's happening on my own without any sucess. The button just gets stuck on 'Subiendo.' and never changes anything inside my Drive. I deployed it as a WebApp but it's not working and I don't know why. I wrote a script for uploading files to my Google Drive using the Google Script.