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He participated in the war alongside fellow leaders such as Lord Haart, Lord Halton, Gwenneth, Wilbur Humphrey, Osric Temper and Erik von Stromgard. Roland's brother, Archibald, had ousted several of the former lords of Enroth from Castle Ironfist, Kilburn among them, and the Knight saw it as his duty to assist Roland in retaking the throne. Lord Kilburn outlived Morglin, and swore fealty to his son Roland Ironfist upon his former king's death, twenty-five years after the end of the Strategic Quest. When the war came to an end with Alamar's defeat and disappearance, Morglin was crowned King, and Kilburn was rewarded for his faithful service. Skilled at wielding sword and bow, Kilburn acted as a commander in Morglin's armies during the First War of Enrothian Succession, aiding sporadically in the battles against Lord Slayer, Queen Lamanda and Lord Alamar.

When the Wizard Guthbert betrayed Morglin after a failed assassination plot, Kilburn was among the host of warriors who followed Morglin through the Gates to Another World, emerging on Enroth. Hailing from VARN-4, Kilburn was a trusted ally of Morglin Ironfist during his liege's plot against King Ragnar.